The CASPA Foundation

CASPA Foundation seeks to ensure young people who have been within the care system will not be left behind their peers, by providing funding, tools and other unfunded supports on their continued journey to young adulthood and independence. 

Care leavers are at higher-risk of living in poverty, experiencing homelessness and interaction with the justice system.

As young people age out of care and no longer have access to support, they are more likely than their peers to:

        • experience homelessness 
        • need income support and parenting payments
        • interact with law enforcement and the justice system
        • need access to treatment for substance abuse
        • have their parental responsibility removed

Through providing education, accommodation and advocacy support to care-leavers, CASPA Foundation can help them achieve their goals to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive as vital members of our communities.

The CASPA Foundation continues on the work of CASPA Services towards breaking the cycle of intergenerational disadvantage care leavers experience. 

Hope for a better future

CASPA Foundation provide continued support to young people who have left or will soon be exiting care, to continue their education, participate in job-readiness and skill-building, apprenticeships, cadetships and other training. Our support ranges across:

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56% of care leavers need income support - CASPA Foundation offers support to care leavers to continue their education and training including costs of trade tools, work-wear, technological equipment, online access and more.
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54% of care leavers experience homelessness within the first 4 years of exiting care. CASPA Foundation provides financial assistance for rent and bonds so care leavers can focus on their education, work and family.
17.2% of care leavers interact with the Justice system within their first 2 years of exiting care. Through our partner Lawyers 4 Hope we ensure young people understand their rights and are heard with empathy and without discrimination.

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