Skills training sets care leaver on road to apprenticeship

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In preparation for his life after care, young person Milo* was exploring education and work options which led him to an opportunity with CASPA’s Hammers 4 Hope team.

Hammers 4 Hope is a team of licenced tradies who maintain CASPA properties and provide property maintenance, cleaning and gardening services to local businesses throughout our community.

With CASPA’s education team, Milo understood there were some areas of personal skill building he needed to focus on to ready himself for the challenges of the work environment.

Milo enrolled and completed a “Try a Trade” program for school leavers which offered him the opportunity to find what type of work interested him. He completed that certificate and then placement within the Hammers 4 Hope team where he worked under guidance, building his workplace and tool skills, learning appropriate WHS methods and understanding his responsibilities to the workplace and his coworkers.

His dedication to his Certificate I and on the job training paid off. Milo recently applied for an apprenticeship with a local builder. The apprenticeship was offered through a competitive process and Milo won the opportunity over other candidates.

Care leavers need a village of supports to help them on their journey to independence – a village that provides advice, guidance and financial support to help them achieve each of the steps along their journey to fulfill their education and employment goals.

Milo’s story is an example of this.

To help more care leavers like Milo, please consider a tax deductible donation, and share this story with your friends.

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